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Water Well Shocking

Water Well Shocking

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Let Us Eliminate Any Bacteria in Your Well 

Over time, your well may develop a buildup of harmful bacteria, including coliform and e-coli, which can show up on bacteria tests done by homeowners or real estate companies. A contaminated well can produce water that is unsafe for consumption or any use at all. Hanson Well Drilling & Pump Co Inc can provide your well with a shock treatment that can eliminate any bacteria in your well and keep your drinking water safe.

Our well shocking methods including installing a chlorine mixture down the well to disinfect the well column. We then rinse the well casing with the water containing a chlorine residual to disinfect potential contamination that may be lingering on the well casing from pests and insects. Finally, we get a high residual of chlorine into all of the water fixtures in the home to kill the bacteria that has grown in the piping of the home. We recommend that the chlorinated water remain in the plumbing fixtures for 12 to 24 hours after service prior to the chlorinated water being flushed from the home.

Once well shocking is complete, we inspect the well cap on top of the well to ensure proper capping is installed. If not, we provide a sanitary sealed well cap to prevent grass clippings and pests from entering the well head, potentially re-contaminating the well.

While homeowners may choose to re-collect their bacteria samples after disinfection, we will be happy to provide sample collection in addition to the well shocking upon request. For a FREE estimate, call (518) 477-4127 or fill out our online form.

Get to Know the Signs

It’s important to know the signs that harmful bacteria are contaminating your well. Some of those signs to look out for include slime growth which you may notice inside of your toilet bowl or tank; staining in laundered clothing, or foul odors coming from your water. 

If you notice any of those signs, contact the team at Hanson Well Drilling & Pump Co Inc right away for well shocking. We’ll destroy the harmful bacteria in your water.

It is also recommended that you have your water tested yearly for bacteria, specifically coliform and e-coli, the two most commonly found bacteria in well water. Yearly testing will give you peace of mind and also a quick advantage in remedying your water in the event bacteria is present.

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Quality Service and Fair Pricing

(518) 477-4127

(518) 477-4127

"Got our water running today! Thank you so much!"

- Shadow Cat, Google Review

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